Go away cold weather… you’re ruining everything. The Bistro has been quiet this week with no one wanting to get out in the miserable cold. The good news is the weather is breaking this weekend; it is expected to warm up to a balmy 30 degrees!
Brisket and I have forgone our daily walks for quick play dates with her boyfriend LB. But even they got into a little scuffle over their favorite toys. Being cooped up makes us all a little cranky. The only good thing about the cold is I’m more likely to cook at home. We had a delicious perch dinner (thank you Bruce for the fish!) and I made a big pot of meat sauce with ground venison that another guest gave me. Funny story about this guest is he was my old Northville High School principal. He and his wife have been coming to the Bistro every Friday for years and just this year we figured out we knew each other. Believe it or not I did not spend much time in the principal’s office. I outsmarted them and never got caught… haha… I’m just kidding Mr. B! Thank you for the venison, it made a healthy alternative to traditional Bolognese. We served it over spaghetti squash instead of pasta and venison is much leaner and lower in fat than beef. Okay one last good thing about cold weather… new flannels for the Bistro staff. The gang looks cute in their new shirts, and they are warm and cozy! Now go away cold, I’m done with you. Cheers, Sharon