WELCOME TO THE BISTRO!!! And another fine week it has been!!! What an absolutely beautiful day this is! The sun urged the daffodils to pop open in, literally the last few hours, and the magnolia if chock full of buds ready to burst. I’m just in from a great walk with the pooches. Dozens of turtles were sunning themselves at the pond and the goose “couple” is back and nesting. As are the Sandhill cranes. They are prehistoric "dinosaurish" looking creatures with a squawk that is nerve grinding. Niki and Pico, my little “Hav’s” (dog owner lingo for Havanese) were in seventh heaven with all that was going on. My pups visited the Bistro for the first time last night and we had so much fun. I brought them in for a family birthday and will have to say that even I was impressed at their good behavior. The Havanese have a reputation for being a frou-frou “boutique” breed but, mine at least, are tough and rugged while being equally sweet. The Havanese is the only existing purebred dog of Cuba and a member of the ancient family of Bichons. Bichon is French for “fleecy dog” and is thought to be a play on the word Barbichon, or bearded. It is probably related to the word Barbet which is an ancient breed of water spaniel similar the Poodle from which all the Bichons of the world are descended. In addition to the Bichon Havanese there are Bichon Maltese, from Malta, Frise, from the Canary Islands, Bolognese from Italy, the Lochen from Germany, and the Coton de Tulear hailing from Madagascar. ![]() The Bichon arrived in Cuba via Spanish settlers in the 17th century. Bichons had become a fashionable lapdog in Europe and were described as “charming and alert…with hair so soft it seems like silk.” Havanese quickly became the preferred dog of the Cuban family because of the ease with which they could be handled, their intelligence and happy disposition. “Working” Havanese were also used to herd chickens and ducks. They have been bred in the US since the early 70’s. Nikibelle, my girl, came to us from a breeder in Florida. She is black and white. Pico, on the other hand, is a rescue from a puppy mill and is predominantly white. They come from totally opposite backgrounds. He was Niki’s “present” on her first birthday. They are great buddies to each other and wonderful companions to me. I’d highly recommend the breed if your interested in a small, smart, lovey-dovey pooch. The rescue organization for Havanese is HALO. Check out these cuties at www.rescuedhavanese.org. Speaking of dogs, the pet pantry is in need of replenishing as the Meals on Wheels folks did a recent pick-up. Thanks in advance!!! Chalkboard features are outstanding once again: Roasted Alaskan Halibut Presented with Carrot Mashed Potatoes and a drizzle of Lemon Thyme Beurre Blank; Vegetarian and Gluten Free Quinoa Patties Griddled and Accompanied with a Dab of Yogurt-Cucumber Sauce; Apricot, Chile and Lime Juice Marinated Grilled Pork Tenderloin served with Southern Rice Pilaf and Chipotle Glazed Baby Carrots and always a favorite Cracker Crusted Walleye over Cheddar Polenta. YUM! WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AT THE BISTRO!!! And, Wishing you a Million Dollar Day XXOO, Mary
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